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January/ February  2018 - Issue 15

Changes to Polish press law

By Elżbieta Traple, Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy

Featured Firm:

Gugushev & Partners

MLI e-Zine January-February 2018.pdf

March/ April 2018 - Issue 16

Media trends in Spain in 2017/2018

By Rafael López-del-Rincón, Auren

“Don’t Quote Me” - The fall of the precedent system

By Robert Darwell, Sheppard Mullin, Richter & Hampton

MLI e-Zine March-April 2018.pdf

May/ June  2018 - Issue 17

Gender stereotyping in advertising comes under

regulatory scrutiny

By Nick Breen, Reed Smith

IP and other e-commerce related legal frameworks’ harmonisation as a means of inclusive trade

By Luca Rinaldi, Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners

MLI e-Zine May-June 2018.pdf

July/ August 2018 - Issue 18  

Protecting intellectual property

By Michael Infante, CEO of One Media IP


Featured  Firm:

Gugushev & Partners

MLI e-Zine July-August 2018.pdf

September/ October  2018 - Issue 19

Why lawyers need to embrace a sales culture

By Alex Moyle, Business Development Specialist

What we need to know about good mental health when working with the media industry

By Adele Hawkes, Positive Psychologist   

November/ December - Issue 20  

Media trends and developments in Spain

By Pillar Sánchez-Bleda, Auren

Public broadcasting in Australia under the spotlight in 2018

By Jon Skene, Atanaskovic Hartnell


Featured Firm

Gugushev & Partners

MLI e-Zine Sept-Oct 2018.pdf MLI e-Zine Nov-Dec 2018.pdf

January/ February 2019 - Issue 21

Featured Firm:

Gugushev & Partners

Media relations for media lawyers

By Gary Mitchell, On Trac Coach  

MLI e-Zine Jan-Feb 2019.pdf

March/ April 2019 - Issue 22  

Guidance on TV OTT services under the new draft decree

By Dang The Duc, Indochine Counsel


Featured Firm:

Gugushev & Partners

MLI e-Zine March-April 2019.pdf

May/ June 2019 - Issue 23  

The future of the FCC media ownership rules in the age of Netflix

By Chérie R. Kiser, Cahill Gordon & Reindel

Innovation driven by trust: Personal data and cyber security acts

By Kowit Somwaiya , LawPlus

MLI e-Zine May-June 2019.pdf

July/ August 2019 - Issue 24

The future of the FCC rules on foreign investment

By Chérie R. Kiser, Cahill Gordon & Reindel

Featured Firm:

Gugushev  & Partners

MLI e-Zine July-August 2019.pdf

September/ October 2019 - Issue 25

FCC media ownership rules - The more things change...

By Chérie R. Kiser, Cahill Gordon & Reindel

The right to be forgotten and the Media in Canada

By Karl Delwaide, Fasken

Featured Firm:

Gugushev  & Partners

November/ December 2019 - Issue 26

FTC rules on influencer advertising

By Hannah E. Taylor, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz

Prometheus continues to burn: The latest on FCC changes to media ownership rules

By Chérie R. Kiser, Cahill Gordon & Reindel

MLI e-Zine Nov-Dec 2019.pdf MLI e-Zine Sept-Oct 2019.pdf

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